First Round Offers for September ’25 will go out February 26th (updated Feb 17)Instructions – please read carefullyYou must know your application number (Hint: use ctrl f to activate the search window and search by application #). There are three sections. The first section is the list of names currently shortlisted for the Byng Arts Program for September by grade. The department making the offer is listed beside the application number. The second section is the list of names currently on the waitlist. Although we feel your audition deserves consideration, we cannot make you an offer at this time due to space restrictions and the large number of applicants. This remains especially true for students currently in grades 8 to 11, we are still reviewing our current enrolment to determine the number of seats that will be available in September. All students in this section are still under consideration we will continue to review our available spaces and will update our list when the second round offers go out. We will contact you at that time if a seat comes available. The third section is the list of students who are no longer under consideration. We have reviewed your application and audition and the number of students in the category that you applied in and have determined that we will not be able to make an offer this year. Thank you for considering the Byng Arts program, you are encouraged to apply again for next year. All lists are in numerical order by grade and application number and not in order of rank. Section 1 Byng Arts First Round Shortlisted Candidates for September ‘25By grade. Please refer to our letter of offer emailed to you on February 26th for more information regarding how to accept our offer. You must reply with a confirmation by email by February 28th to ensure your spot in our program; please include a clear yes or no and your application #.
Section 2 First Round Waitlisted CandidatesThis list is not in order of rank. If additional seats are available after the first round, we will make a second round of offers on March 5th. We will contact applicants on our waitlist to fill these seats. We cannot communicate where you rank on the waitlist nor predict the likelihood of an offer – thank you for your understanding. Please note, we are still calculating the number of available seats in Grades 9 to 12 –we will continue to review our current enrolment and offers will be made as space becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Section 3 Applicants No Longer Under ConsiderationThank you for considering the Byng Arts program. We have reviewed your audition results and our projected available seats. Over 250 students applied this year – that is approximately three students for every available seat. We will not be able to make an offer to you for September 2025. Please consider reapplying again for next year. Good luck. |
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